White Supremacy Is Frustrating

I have to share this on my blog. As we reaffirm our love for ourselves in a society that consistently tells us our lives dont matter we watch in horror as that affirmation is turned into rants about US being hateful while racial slurs are hurled at us…every time, I mean EVERY SINGLE TIME I express love for my culture in twitter my TL gets bombarded with hate tweets. What white people cant seem to accept is my affirmation is not an attack on your being. I want to be happy and love everyone BUT there has to be freedom and justice for everybody or no freedom and justice for NOBODY. BE FAIR.

Chardonnay and Beer

Last weekend, Black social media got together to #Blackout the internet. It started on Tumblr and quickly spread. The point was for Black people to share selfies, encourage each other, and celebrate our beauty and diversity.

White people were livid.

As if ALL media isn’t dominated by celebration of all that is white. As if in so doing, white media hasn’t created the conditions that require Black people to look to each other for validation.

The white tears flowed abundantly.

White tears

There were cries of “reverse-racism”. We were said to be too exclusive. There was an attempt to silence us with white selfies tagged #whiteout which QUICKLY became the most racist circle-jerk imaginable with confederate flags and racists insults aplenty. Of course it did.

Mind you. Black people weren’t trying to prevent white people from taking selfies. We weren’t trying to keep them from doing anything. We couldn’t if we wanted…

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5 thoughts on “White Supremacy Is Frustrating

  1. This was a good post. I definitely know where you’re coming from. I am also a victim of white supremacy. As are all non-white people. Here’s a great definition of white supremacy. You may or may not agree with it.

    Why is it called “Racism/White Supremacy?”

    A: Because this describes exactly WHO is practicing racism. For one group to practice racism that group must have MORE POWER than another group. Since whites control ALL the major areas of human activity in America — housing, education, health, entertainment, economics, politics, law, and religion — it is accurate to define all “racism” as “white supremacy.” We must be accurate so the victims of racism do not become confused.

    Q: Isn’t all racism the same, regardless of who is practicing it?

    A: There is only ONE kind of racism: white supremacy. White people are the only group in America with the POWER to discriminate (deprive or punish other ethnic groups), and the systems and institutions to maintain the imbalance of power.

    For example, rich people are more powerful than poor people. Rich people have the POWER to discriminate against poor people by depriving them of income, promotions, jobs, housing, land, justice, and any other rights – if they choose to do so.

    In America, whites have the POWER to discriminate against blacks (and other non-whites) by depriving them of income, promotions, jobs, housing, land, justice, and any other rights – if they choose to do so. It doesn’t matter that some whites are poorer than some blacks.

    In all things and in all places in America, whites are collectively more powerful than blacks are collectively. This imbalance of (white) power creates the opportunity and the ability to practice racism against non-whites. Racism is not empty rhetoric (words) or mindless emotion. Racism is economic, political, institutional, and systematic POWER. Since whites control all the institutions and systems of power in America, only whites have the power to practice racism.

    Q: Why are people referred to as “groups” instead of “races?”

    A: Because there is ONLY ONE RACE: the white race. To prove this statement, let’s look at the TRUE meaning of “race.” In ancient civilizations tens of thousands of years ago (before Europeans inhabited the planet), the world’s people identified themselves by bloodline, birthplace, and culture – but NEVER by the artificial construct (concept) of “race.”

    What is the “black race” in real terms? It does NOT describe the place where black people were born because there is no such place as “black land,” (or red, yellow, brown, or white land). Race does not describe a person’s religion because there is no such thing as a black, red, brown, yellow, or white religion.

    Race does not describe a person’s culture (except in false, stereotypical terms), and it does NOT define biology, ethnicity, or nationality. Race does not describe skin color because the so-called “black race” includes people whose complexions range from the palest pink to the purest blue-black. Therefore, “race” is a false, man-made concept.

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